About Us

Our activities
Sundays at 11 a.m., we gather together to learn from God’s Word, and celebrate Holy Eucharist.  Our liturgy is in contemporary English, and easy to follow – we use an overhead projector. Until further notice, we are meeting via Zoom due to COVID-19. Please call or email the office for details. We’d love for you to join us anytime!

Our community
We are a group of ordinary people who worship God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are committed to remaining faithful to Holy Scripture and established Anglican doctrine and practices. Bible texts help us understand the will of God as we learn to live by it, as do the teachings of the historic church. In other words, we are charismatic, “orthodox” Anglicans.

We delight to bring together the three streams of the Anglican Church in North America: the evangelical, the charismatic, and the sacramental. In this confluence, we find spiritual life.

Our affiliation
St. Peter by the Park is part of the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC), which is a diocese in the biblically-faithful Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). 

ANiC is a founding partner of, and a “province in formation,” in the Anglican Communion, and part of the global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (which affirms the authority of Scriptures and the Jerusalem Declaration).